Get out your favorite version of the Holy Scriptures and turn to 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Heathen or not?

I missed church last night. I stayed home to watch the debate.

A friend called me a "heathen." She was joking. (I think.)

I don't miss Wednesday evening service very often. We have a big dinner at 6:00 . . . praise and worship from 7:00 till 8:00, and some of the best teaching and preaching I've ever sat under until 9:00 or so. I am so happy and so proud of my church, and our pastor.

So it was not a decision I arrived at lightly when I decided to skip church for the debate. It was suggested that I record it if I was so adamant about seeing it. I toyed with that idea for a short time, but rejected it.

I told my husband I'd prayed about it, and asked God if it was alright if I missed church to watch the debate. He asked if I'd received an answer, and I told him God said if it weren't for the fact that He can be both places at once, He'd choose to be in Denver at the debate.

All joking aside, I felt a genuine need to be watching it in real time. Praying as it happened. I lifted both candidates up for safety from any foul play. And I lifted my candidate . . . Mr. Romney . . . up for a clear mind, wisdom, confidence, and that his true nature would shine through.

This is such an important election. The future of our country and our freedom to worship are at stake.

I prayed as it was beginning and periodically throughout. And I praise God because I feel my prayers were answered. I couldn't have "participated" like this had I been watching a recording.

Here's your opportunity to "let me have it" or tell me what I did was okay. I promise to not be out of sorts if every one of you believes I was wrong to stay home from church. But I really, really would like your input!

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