Get out your favorite version of the Holy Scriptures and turn to 2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Grateful for God's Gift of Great Grandchildren

What's cuter than a 4-year old curly-headed youngster? Nothing!

My great-grandson, Coleman, (now five) had trouble pronoucing his "c's." They always came out sounding like "t's. I was trying to help him one evening. Their mother had left Coleman and his big sister, Hannah, with me when she went to work, and left some dinner for them . . . part of which was corn on the cob.

One of Coleman's favorite things in the whole world is cowboy movies. Or towboy movies, as he pronounced it.

"Say Cowboy, Coleman."


"No, baby. Cowboy!"


"C . . . C . . . C . . . Cowboy," I said.

"C . . . C . . . C . . .Towboy." He said.

Finally after many tries, Coleman said, "C . . .C . . . C. . . Cowboy."

I was estatic. "Yay! You've got it now. Say it again!"


"Oh, that's great, Coleman, you can say cowboy."

He grinned his beautiful dimpled grin. "Grandma, can I have my Torn on the Tob now?"

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