Get out your favorite version of the Holy Scriptures and turn to 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Submit therefore to God.

"This time he had her, dead-to-rights. He bounded down the hallway, ready to drag the truth out of her. His fists were clenched. His stomach in knots.

Headlights flashed in the foyer mirror. Ron and Indi were here. And Edward was primed for battle.

"Where are you?" His anger undisguised. "They're here, woman."

He steeled himself against the sight of this wanton woman he'd married, as she hurried out of the kitchen. Of course she looked sweet and innocent. Didn't she always? One would never know, to look at her, what kind of a woman she really was.

Casey breezed into the foyer and glanced at her reflection.

Edward's heart was pounding. His face was flushed. The sight of Casey sickened him.

Why did I invite these people over? Tonight of all nights. I'll have to handle her later, when they're gone. She'll be so sorry when I get through with her.

He pasted on his best smile, smoothed his trousers, and cleared his throat. He looked terrific. His head was splitting."

Does this scene from Handful of Demons sound familiar? Has Satan ever played tricks with your imagination, filled your head with lies, primed you for battle, only to put you on hold? It's his way of chipping away at your peace. Your very sanity.

The battle is so real, friends. It is not your imagination. It is not a coincidence.

So, what can you do when he attacks your most precious relationships, in your most vulnerable moments?

James 4:7 - Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

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